Morgan creative directed and designed the runway debut of KABASIA Installment II: Conditions of Childhood during New York Fashion Week SS24 at Dumbo House, overseeing the end-to-end event coordination. Described in Essence Magazine as a favorite moment from NYFW, the show culminated in a live art installation finale, demonstrating Morgan’s differentiated, curatorial approach to runway.

Morgan's vision, exhibited through 12 looks, playfully unfolded a coming-of-age story, interwoven with the textures of childhood memories and symbolic nods to adulthood.

The show received press coverage and mentions in Essence, Totem Magazine, and XOXO. Morgan led a 40+ creative team to plan and execute the NYFW debut– including the initial concepting, recruiting a team, securing a venue and sponsors, designing the collection, and overseeing event production.

September 2023

Roles: Creative Director, Designer, Curator & Event Producer

Project Credits

Creative Direction and Design by Morgan Ogryzek

Styling by Emari Campbell

Casting by Ella Cepeda

Hair by Mike Martinez for Cutler/Redken

Makeup by T. Cooper for Major Face

Nails by Joelle Rodriguez for Crown Jewel Nails

Jewelry by Delia Langan

PR & Production by And Such NYC

Additional work available upon request.


The Artist as Social Critic: Essay on Jean-Michel Basquiat